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Three Ways to Sell Value in B2B Markets Value-based selling can boost margins and competitiveness, but vendors must first advance beyond the prevailing one-size-fits-all approach. The Research Since 2010, the authors have collaborated with more than 70 companies in a wide range of B2B industries. Some were already advanced at value-based selling (VBS), while others were just beginning to invest in the approach. The authors relied prim.. 2021. 9. 3.
What to Say and Do When Your Employee Has Another Job Offer Employee Retention It’s normal to get a sinking feeling when one of your employees says, “I have something to tell you.” No manager wants to hear that someone on their team has another job offer in hand. But how should you actually respond to the news? Should you counteroffer? Or just accept that they’re moving on? And how can you tell if the employee is just bluffing to get a raise? What the Ex.. 2021. 9. 3.
6 Ways to Take Control of Your Career Development Career Planning 6 Ways to Take Control of Your Career Development If Your Company Doesn’t Care About It We are now in the era of do-it-yourself career development. Companies less frequently offer formal training — a trend that has been around for years. This may be because employees change jobs so frequently (job tenure now averages about four years) that firms don’t see the value in investing i.. 2021. 9. 3.
Why Women Don’t Negotiate Their Job Offers Negotiations Research shows that women are more reticent than men to negotiate their salary offers. For instance, one study of graduating MBA students found that half of the men had negotiated their job offers as compared to only one eighth of the women. This general pattern has been replicated in survey studies of working adults and in laboratory experiments. It begs the question: Why? Is this .. 2021. 8. 26.
Why We Should Be Disagreeing More at Work Conflict When I worked as a management consultant, I had a client that I thought of as difficult. Let’s call her Marguerite. She and I didn’t see eye to eye on much. I disagreed with the direction she was taking our project, the people she chose to involve, and the pace at which she thought we should do our work (why did she need to go so slow?). But because she was the client, and I was just st.. 2021. 8. 26.
Resilience Is About How You Recharge, Not How You Endure Stress As constant travelers and parents of a 2-year-old, we sometimes fantasize about how much work we can do when one of us gets on a plane, undistracted by phones, friends, and Finding Nemo. We race to get all our ground work done: packing, going through TSA, doing a last-minute work call, calling each other, then boarding the plane. Then, when we try to have that amazing work session in flig.. 2021. 8. 26.
코로나19 시대 ‘마음 챙김’이 주목받는 이유 외부 자극에 무의식적으로 반응하시나요? 그 사이에 ‘여유 공간’을 만들어주세요 Article at a Glance 마음 챙김은 ‘현재 순간에 집중해 있는 그대로를 수용적으로 자각하는 것’ 정도로 정의할 수 있다. 최근 코로나19 사태 등의 여파로 불안과 불확실성이 커지면서 마음 챙김을 실천하는 명상 및 기공법 등이 관심을 모으고 있다. 마음 챙김 명상은 주의력을 의도적으로 ‘지금’ ‘여기’로 되돌려 놓는 것이 특징이다. 그리고 몸, 감정, 생각, 판단, 기억 등 다양한 것의 자동 반응성을 알아차리고, 외부 자극에 무의식적으로 반응하기 전에 자극과 반응 사이에 여유 공간을 만들어준다. 이는 자연스럽게 다양한 언행과 감정, 의견들을 열린 마음으로 받아들이도록 하는 마음의 개방성으로 이어지고 이것은 삶의 다양.. 2021. 8. 26.
Match Your Sales Force Structure to Your Business Life Cycle Summary. Although companies devote considerable time and money to managing their sales forces, few focus much thought on how the structure of the sales force needs to change over the life cycle of a product or a business. However, the organization and goals of a sales operation have to evolve as businesses start up, grow, mature, and decline if a company wants to keep winning the race for custom.. 2021. 8. 26.
All Management Is Change Management Change Management Change management is having its moment. There’s no shortage of articles, books, and talks on the subject. But many of these indicate that change management is some occult subspecialty of management, something that’s distinct from “managing” itself. This is curious given that, when you think about it, all management is the management of change. If sales need to be increased, tha.. 2021. 8. 23.
How to Let Go at the End of the Workday Stress Chris, a senior manager at a New York design studio can’t sleep. His mind is churning, thinking about the mountain of tasks facing him back at the office. Katrina, the production manager at a well-known publishing house is distracted by a work email at the dinner table. Her partner complains that she “never seems able to turn off.” They’re not the only ones having difficulty disengaging f.. 2021. 8. 22.
What to Do When You’re Feeling Distracted at Work Stress Sometimes there’s so much going on in your life, and the world, that you can’t focus. What can you do when every time you sit down at your desk, you feel distracted? How can you get back to feeling focused and productive? What the Experts Say Feeling distracted and unproductive is something most people struggle with, says Susan David, founder of the Harvard/McLean Institute of Coaching an.. 2021. 8. 22.
The Dark Side of Solar Power Sustainability It’s sunny times for solar power. In the U.S., home installations of solar panels have fully rebounded from the Covid slump, with analysts predicting more than 19 gigawatts of total capacity installed, compared to 13 gigawatts at the close of 2019. Over the next 10 years, that number may quadruple, according to industry research data. And that’s not even taking into consideration .. 2021. 8. 21.