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"엑시트 EXIT" 당신의 인생을 바꿔 줄 부자의 문이 열린다 저자 : 송희창 송사무장 ​ 약 38만 명의 회원을 보유한 DAUM 카페 〈행복재테크〉 및 7개월 만에 14만 구독자를 달성한 유튜브 채널 〈행크TV〉를 운영하며 많은 사람들에게 부자가 되는 방법을 무료로 제공하고 있는 저자는, 지금까지 수많은 제자들을 부자로 키워내며 ‘부자들의 멘토’이자 ‘부자들의 스승’으로 불리고 있다. 그중 무려 25명이 넘는 제자들이 베스트셀러 저자가 되었다. ​ 저자는 취업에 실패하여 나이트클럽 알바생으로 시작하였지만 종잣돈을 모으며 부자가 되는 공부를 완성하여 현재는 소유한 상가에서만 매월 약 7,000만 원이 넘는 월세를 받고 있고, 15개가 넘는 사업체를 운영하며 매월 큰 사업수익까지 거두고 있다. 그는 수백억 원대의 자산가가 되었으며, 부동산 투자뿐 아니라 여러 사업까지.. 2021. 8. 18.
"반란의 경제" 과거 위기와 저항을 통해 바라본 미래 경제 혁명 저자 : 제이슨 솅커 (JASON SCHENKER) ​ 프레스티지 이코노믹스PRESTIGE ECONOMICS와 퓨처리스트 인스티튜트FUTURIST INSTITUTE 회장. ​ 세계에서 가장 정확한 금융 예측가이자 미래학자 중 한사람으로 평가받고 있다. 43가지 평가 기준을 통해 블룸버그가 선정한 최고의 예측 전문가로 꼽혔다. 이 중 유로화, 영국 파운드, 러시아 루브르, 중국 위안화, 원유 가격, 천연가스 가격, 금 가격, 산업 철강 가격, 농산물 가격, 미국의 일자리 등 총 25가지 평가 기준에서 세계 1위를 차지했다. ​ 그가 내놓은 분석들은 《월스트리트저널》, 《뉴욕 타임스》, 《프랑크푸르터 알게마이네 차이퉁》 등에 실렸으며 CNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, FOX, FOX BUSI.. 2021. 8. 18.
셀트리오니즘 : 셀트리온은 어떻게 일하는가 셀트리온은 어떻게 일하는가 저자 : 전예진 한국경제신문 기자. 서울대를 졸업하고 동 대학 생명공학공동연구원 바이오 최고경영자과정을 마쳤다. 입사 후 산업부, 정치부, 마켓인사이트부에서 일했다. 2017년부터 3년간 바이오헬스부 팀장을 맡아 제약바이오산업을 취재했다. 셀트리온, 삼성바이오로직스, SK바이오팜 등을 비롯해 화이자, 노바티스, GE헬스케어 등 글로벌 제약바이오 기업 CEO 100여 명을 인터뷰했다. 2018년 세계적인 생명공학 기업 머크의 창립 350주년 당시 국내 언론인 중 최초로 독일 본사에서 슈테판 오슈만 회장을 단독 인터뷰하기도 했다. ​ 저자는 수많은 제약바이오 기업 중에서도 왜 셀트리온이 성공했는지 궁금했다. 연구개발(R&D) 경험과 노하우가 풍부하고 막대한 자본력을 가진 회사들도 번번이 실패하는 바이오업계에.. 2021. 8. 18.
How Managers Can Prevent Their Teams from Burning Out Talent Management No organization wants to burn out its employees. And yet, according to new research, companies’ efforts to prevent prolonged stress among their staffs are falling short. When Deloitte recently surveyed 1,000 full-time employees in the United States, we found that 77% had experienced burnout at their current jobs, and more than half said they’d felt it more than once. This was t.. 2021. 8. 17.
Tough Parenting Decision? Take a Page Out of the CEO’s Playbook. Decision Making It’s lonely at the top. This phrase often resonates with senior executives, but there’s another group it applies to: working parents, particularly those who are managing their kids solo. And it is especially true when faced with tough choices. Both executives and single parents grapple with decisions that can’t be discussed with others. For executives, that may be because everyon.. 2021. 8. 15.
How to Blow a Presentation to the C-Suite Communication Divya, a director who leads a large engineering team, was invited to a two-day retreat with the CEO and senior executives of her Fortune 50 company. She and 30 of her high-potential peers were excited to rub shoulders with the leadership team. The purpose of the retreat was to expose up-and-coming leaders to broader challenges, expand their network across silos, and, of course, giv.. 2021. 8. 14.
When You Should Quit Your Job Without Having Another One Lined Up Career Planning People hate to resign without another job lined up. Not just because employers prefer to hire people who are working, but also because it feels like failure. It seems as if you “couldn’t take it.” But there are times when it is very important to just let go. Here’s a personal example: My boyfriend had never water skied in his life. My father challenged him to try in the ocean off.. 2021. 8. 14.
Career Advice from Wildly Successful People Managing Yourself I once sat across from a boss and listened as he gave me a brutally honest performance review. At the time, I was working as a consumer psychologist for a multi-national advertising agency. My job involved advising big brands on how to best persuade their customers to engage with their products and services. While I have no recollection of the positive feedback I received that .. 2021. 8. 12.
End Imposter Syndrome in Your Workplace Diversity In February 2021, we offered one simple idea: Stop telling women they have imposter syndrome. Since then, fixing the places where women work instead of fixing women at work has become a rallying cry for women of all races across the world. More than that, the pushback against imposter syndrome continues the push toward sustainable, systemic solutions to ensure work is a place where our.. 2021. 8. 12.
Emotional Agility Managing Yourself Sixteen thousand—that’s how many words we speak, on average, each day. So imagine how many unspoken ones course through our minds. Most of them are not facts but evaluations and judgments entwined with emotions—some positive and helpful (I’ve worked hard and I can ace this presentation; This issue is worth speaking up about; The new VP seems approachable), others negative and l.. 2021. 8. 12.
Design Physical and Digital Spaces to Foster Inclusion Race Summary: Often, strategies around making organizations more anti-racist focus on changing hearts and minds. Sometimes this isn’t enough, however, and can result in backlash or increased self-segregation among white employees. In these situations, leaders should consider using design principles to create the spaces in which employees of different races can interact more frequently. Specifica.. 2021. 8. 12.
Don’t Underestimate the Power of Silence Health Summary. Many of us have forgotten (or even fear) quiet. We live in a world full of noise and chatter. A world wherein our daily routines are inundated with distractions and responsibilities. This practice, called the Sphere of Silence, is a 60-minute routine that can help you stay grounded, focused, and most importantly, remain hopeful when your mind wants to spiral. There is one ground .. 2021. 8. 12.