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How People Analytics Can Help You Change Process, Culture, and Strategy Analytics And Data Science It seems like every business is struggling with the concept of transformation. Large incumbents are trying to keep pace with digital upstarts., and even digital native companies born as disruptors know that they need to transform. Take Uber: at only eight years old, it’s already upended the business model of taxis. Now it’s trying to move from a software platform to a .. 2021. 9. 5.
How to (Actually) Change Someone’s Mind Leadership If you’re a leader, it’s likely that not everyone who works with you will agree with the decisions you make — and that’s okay. Leadership involves making unpopular decisions while navigating complex relationships with colleagues, partners, and clients. But often, you will need to get buy-in from these constituents, and therefore you will need to convince them to change their mind. The.. 2021. 9. 5.
Hire Leaders for What They Can Do, Not What They Have Done Leadership Fifty years have passed since the publication of The Peter Principle, but its rule still applies today. “In time, every post tends to be occupied by an employee who is incompetent to carry out its duties,” noted Laurence J. Peter, the educator behind this famous work. His theory postulates that most competent people are promoted until they reach a position that is above their skill le.. 2021. 9. 5.
Manage Your Work, Manage Your Life Work-Life Balance Summary. Senior executives have discovered through hard experience that prospering at their level is a matter of carefully combining work and home so as not to lose themselves, their loved ones, or their foothold on success. To learn how they reconcile their professional and personal lives, the authors drew on five years’ worth of interviews with almost 4,000 executives worldwi.. 2021. 9. 3.
Three Ways to Sell Value in B2B Markets Value-based selling can boost margins and competitiveness, but vendors must first advance beyond the prevailing one-size-fits-all approach. The Research Since 2010, the authors have collaborated with more than 70 companies in a wide range of B2B industries. Some were already advanced at value-based selling (VBS), while others were just beginning to invest in the approach. The authors relied prim.. 2021. 9. 3.
What to Say and Do When Your Employee Has Another Job Offer Employee Retention It’s normal to get a sinking feeling when one of your employees says, “I have something to tell you.” No manager wants to hear that someone on their team has another job offer in hand. But how should you actually respond to the news? Should you counteroffer? Or just accept that they’re moving on? And how can you tell if the employee is just bluffing to get a raise? What the Ex.. 2021. 9. 3.
6 Ways to Take Control of Your Career Development Career Planning 6 Ways to Take Control of Your Career Development If Your Company Doesn’t Care About It We are now in the era of do-it-yourself career development. Companies less frequently offer formal training — a trend that has been around for years. This may be because employees change jobs so frequently (job tenure now averages about four years) that firms don’t see the value in investing i.. 2021. 9. 3.
Why Women Don’t Negotiate Their Job Offers Negotiations Research shows that women are more reticent than men to negotiate their salary offers. For instance, one study of graduating MBA students found that half of the men had negotiated their job offers as compared to only one eighth of the women. This general pattern has been replicated in survey studies of working adults and in laboratory experiments. It begs the question: Why? Is this .. 2021. 8. 26.
Why We Should Be Disagreeing More at Work Conflict When I worked as a management consultant, I had a client that I thought of as difficult. Let’s call her Marguerite. She and I didn’t see eye to eye on much. I disagreed with the direction she was taking our project, the people she chose to involve, and the pace at which she thought we should do our work (why did she need to go so slow?). But because she was the client, and I was just st.. 2021. 8. 26.